The new government must stand by its promise of change

A photo of new Prime Minister, Sir Keir Starmer, wearing a suit and delivering a speech with one hand raised in emphasis.
July 5, 2024
Here are steps we need to see in the short-term to help struggling households stay warm this winter.

The new Government has said we will see change - and that is badly needed.

But it has also inherited a broken energy system which has prioritised oil and gas company profits while millions of ordinary people have shivered in cold, damp, mouldy homes they can’t afford to heat. 

Bringing down bills permanently will take time, but there are actions which can be taken right now to help struggling households stay warm this winter.

That’s why we are calling on the government to stand by its PROMISE that things are going to change - and be fairer - for struggling Brits:

A graphic featuring a photo of Keir Starmer looking serious and giving a thumbs up, with a heading that says ‘Our new government must stand by their promise that things are going to change.’ Below is an acrostic which spells ‘Promise’, which as a list reads ‘Protect vulnerable households; Reduce energy debt; Onshore wind drive; Meter changes; Insulation roll-out; Standing Charges reform; End energy industry profiteering.’ A line of text at the bottom reads ‘Everyone deserves to be Warm This Winter’.
Protect vulnerable households
  • Introduce a more comprehensive warm homes discount for vulnerable households so that nobody has to choose between heating and eating.
Reduce energy debt
  • Introduce a Help to Repay scheme to offer a lifeline to millions of people who are trapped in energy debt through no fault of their own, and ban energy companies from selling debts on to debt collectors.
Onshore wind drive
  • Lift the de facto ban on onshore wind, which is one of the quickest and cheapest forms of electricity generation to get up and running and supported by nearly 8 in 10 Brits, so that we can start to reduce our dependence on volatile oil and gas.
Meter changes
  • Ban the forced installation of prepayment meters for good and require suppliers to fix broken smart meters so that consumers are only ever charged for what they use.
Insulation roll-out
  • Invest in insulating our leaky housing stock so that vulnerable people do not have to spend yet another winter shivering in cold, damp, and often dangerously mouldy homes.
Standing Charges reform
  • Reduce electricity and gas Standing Charges to bring down energy bills for everyone ahead of the next price cap change in October and consult on a social tariff so that vulnerable high-users are not unfairly penalised.
End energy industry profiteering
  • Put an end to oil and gas industry profiteering by extending the Windfall Tax to the wider sector, including Distribution Network Operators (DNOs).